Name RAM Disk Traffic Bandwidth Price Countries
pico 2 GB 20 GB 5 TB 250 Mbps $5.34  
nano 2 GB 40 GB 7 TB 250 Mbps $6.41  
micro 4 GB 40 GB 15 TB 250 Mbps $7.48  
kilo 4 GB 80 GB 20 TB 250 Mbps $9.62  
mega 8 GB 80 GB 25 TB 500 Mbps $10.69  
giga 8 GB 160 GB 30 TB 500 Mbps $16.04  
tera 16 GB 160 GB 40 TB 500 Mbps $19.99  
peta 16 GB 240 GB 50 TB 500 Mbps $24.99  
exa 32 GB 240 GB 75 TB 1 Gbps $32.09  
zetta 32 GB 360 GB 100 TB 1 Gbps $53.49  
Name RAM Disk Traffic Bandwidth Price Countries
Dedicated Server S 16 GB 240 GB 5 TB ? $101.65  
Dedicated Server M 32 GB 960 GB 10 TB ? $159.43  
Dedicated Server L 64 GB 1920 GB 20 TB ? $266.43  

The team behind myVirtualserver is united by a common goal: We want to offer our customers high-performance hosting products at fair prices. Our aspiration is to be a transparent partner that focuses on the needs of customers in product development and enables dynamic cooperation.

  • Cloud servers
  • VPS Servers
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Backup/Snapshots
  • API
  • Testing Server
  • SSL option
  • Domain Purchase